IT’S ALL ABOUT ACTING DAHLING!! At what age did you want to start acting? When I was ten – and I did! :o) What was your very first tv/movie role? In a New Zealand drama series called “True Life Stories” When and why did you get an agent? Whe I was ten because he was a friend of my Dad’s. What is your favourite character that you’ve ever played? Alice in Alice in Wonderland – cos she gets to meet so many crazy people!! How did you get the part in Atlantis High? I auditioned through my agent Octavia – because she got to wear pretty purple clothes all the time and her hair was the best!
Do you have any favourite Atlantis High scenes? I like the scenes at Octavia’s dress up party. Were there any embarassing moments whilst filming Atlantis High? When I had to wear the big wedding dress I couldnt’ sit down so the wardrobe assistant had to place a little stool under my skirt! – it was silly. I always envy the fab clothes that famous actors get to wear to premieres and award shows.
If you weren’t acting, what would you be doing right now? Probably going to University. Are you hoping to continue with your acting career or do you want to direct/produce/become an astronaut? I am definitely going to finish my university degree so I can persue a career in the communications field but if anymore acting work comes up, I sure wouldnt’ turn it down. |