Ten things you can do to make your Inner Child feel accepted:- 1. Play hopscotch at every given opportunity. 2. Demand that your veggies are puréed at restaurants. 3. Flick custard at the neighbours (cold, lumpy custard works best) 4. Throw a huge tantrum at least once a month. 5. Make some mud pies. 6. be rebellious – don’t wash behind your ears for 7 days. 7. Cuddle your favourite snuggly and suck your thumb. 8. Paint with your fingers. 9. Tell your Mom you love her. 10. Tell your Mom you hate her. If you embrace your Inner Child you will have a more rewarding life and will remember how much fun it can be to mix your ice cream with lemon curd and put ribbons in your dog’s fur.
Embrace your Inner Child as Sophie clearly has! Listen to the advice of your Inner Child, they have been there, done that and know every trick in the book. They can really help you out of a sticky situation if you ask them for their advice. But remember to be nice to them and they’ll be glad to help. They might actually ask you to play a quick game of patty cake before they help you but they will help you! |