Victoria Spence plays Antonia in Atlantis High

Victoria Spence plays Antonia in Atlantis High

What is your all time favourite line of your character? “Gilesy, Gilesy, Gilesy” – Antonia “You want to steal my bus” – Bus Driver Dan


What aspect of your character would you like to have? Her spontaneity.


If you could play any other role on television, who would it be? The chick of Dark Angel (she kicks butt)


If you could have one superpower what would it be? The power to move things or fly or heal! Oh that’s hard!


On the beach basking in the sun with everyone I know. Having the bomb time listening to music, dancing and partying til the next day!


Which person – living, dead or fictional – do you most identify with? Wonder Woman (hehehe) I don’t know.


What book or movie title best describes your life so far? Dazed and Confused

If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Oreo cookies.


What’s your favourite movie of all time? The Princess Bride

People who hurt others

Who are your favourite actors? Julia Roberts, Al Pacino, Susan Sarandon

Name your greatest achievement.Getting the part in The Tribe and Atlantis High.

Name your greatest regret. Not kissing a boy called Brad Thom when I was little!

What do you like most about acting? The people I meet and the life experience I learn

If you weren’t in show business, you would be? At school!

What’s something in the world you’d like to see outlawed? Weapons