EPISODE NINE SABRINA accuses GILES of cheating with the election, but GILES is convinced his campaign was clean. Afterall OCTAVIA wouldn’t be involved with anything that wasn’t totally squeaky clean, would she?
Q informs OCTAVIA that she must have a party to create a diversion so that Agency Operatives can search the VERMONT’s house. CMDR VERMONT is under suspicion of having made contact with the ALIEN forces. But OCTAVIA doesn’t know how to have a party. MRS VERMONT is thrilled – she’ll organise everything. The ALIENS are pleased to see DORSEY, but DORSEY isn’t pleased to see the fly. SABRINA models her outfits for the party during Science class. OCTAVIA invites DORSEY to the party. Fancy dress is optional. DORSEY decides to go as he really is. CMDR VERMONT wants a secure perimeter. Soldiers plant a minefield in his garden. Q tells the NINJAS to infiltrate the VERMONT house as guests in fancy dress – and to bring back COMMANDER VERMONT’s clothes. OCTAVIA doesn’t realise that they’ve got the party all wrong. SABRINA waits for the real party to arrive. JOSH swats the pesky fly (and the ALIEN spaceship). SOPHIE creampies him – and the ALIENS get stuck on the cake. DOROTHY has déjà vu with alien-DORSEY. DON does tricks with marshmallows. GILES wonders about the NINJAS. VIOLET moves in on COACH SHANE, but VITA foils her seduction. There’s a kitchen crisis. JOSH rushes to change into his superhero cossie. But as he’s changing, his clothes are stolen by NINJAS. SABRINA leaves, seriously disappointed. But BEANIE and JET have a good time. The last bit of cake (with the ALIENS) is boxed to send to AUNT MAY out West. GILES learns more of OCTAVIA’s brilliance – but why is she still at school? OCTAVIA and GILES almost kiss… |