How much do you know?  Mr Dorsey, the best teacher in this universe, challenges you – what do you know?  Mr Dorsey has taught the lesson below and claims everything is true – but we believe only 50% of Mr Dorsey’s ‘facts’ are actually truths and the other 50% is false.  Can you spot what is true and what is false?  Can Mr Dorsey be trusted?  Is 100% of what he teaches correct?  Maybe not in this universe – is he instead really out of this world?

Shakespeare was born and died on the same day—April 23rd
Shakespeare’s bloodline ended with him—he never had any children.
Macbeth was originally written as a spoof on the follies of women—the three witches are said to represent the three stages of a woman’s life: maiden, mother, crone.
Shakespeare’s name may have derived from “Shakes spear,” indicating that he had a warrior ancestry.
The male sex played all parts in Shakespeare’s plays, with female roles often played by pre-pubescent boys.
Shakespeare published his own dictionary, one of the first ever in print.
Shakespeare wrote for the royal court, and was sorely disappointed that his plays were not performed there.
Shakespeare married at the age of 17 to Anne Hathaway, a woman nearly 2% years his senior.
Shakespeare burned down the Globe Theatre after The Tempest was poorly received.
Romeo and Juliet lived—and died together in Italy in the 1300s. Shakespeare based his play upon a poem about the actual tragedy.