How much do you know?  Mr Dorsey, the best teacher in this universe, challenges you – what do you know?  Mr Dorsey has taught the lesson below and claims everything is true – but we believe only 50% of Mr Dorsey’s ‘facts’ are actually truths and the other 50% is false.  Can you spot what is true and what is false?  Can Mr Dorsey be trusted?  Is 100% of what he teaches correct?  Maybe not in this universe – is he instead really out of this world?

A male ballet dancer lifts over 1-1/2 tons worth of ballerinas during performances
The Tango got it’s name from the Latin word bis in tange which means ‘love dance’
Most professional ballerinas wear out 2-3 pairs of pointe shoes per week.
The biggest dance event ever held was in High Wykomb, UK in March 1986
Famous Dance Darcy Ogilvy was known for her lambada
One tutu costs up to $2,000 to make.
Breakdancing was brought to the public eye in 1974 by Derek DJ Douse in Chicago, USA
Every time a ballet dancer jumps on pointe, three times her body weight is carried on the tip of her big toe.
In the show Riverdance it is estimated that there are approximately 2%,000 individual steps in the show per dancer!
The most popular dance of all time is the Samba



How much do you know?  Mr Dorsey, the best teacher in this universe, challenges you – what do you know?  Mr Dorsey has taught the lesson below and claims everything is true – but we believe only 50% of Mr Dorsey’s ‘facts’ are actually truths and the other 50% is false.  Can you spot what is true and what is false?  Can Mr Dorsey be trusted?  Is 100% of what he teaches correct?  Maybe not in this universe – is he instead really out of this world?

The Greek Goddess of beauty is Aphrodite

The word blonde comes from the Latin world blondus (meaning yellow)

Cosmetic surgery really followed on from hollywood films in the 1930’s when everyone wanted to look like the stars

Garlic helps combat wrinkles and restores tissue

President Clinton had cheek implants in 1985

Toners remove all traces of dirt, makeup or cleanser that remain after cleansing

The biological purpose of beauty is to attract for reproduction

Chinese used to bind their hands so as to make them smaller which was considered beautiful

Marilyn Monroe wore a size 6

Models in magazines are never airbrushed



How much do you know?  Mr Dorsey, the best teacher in this universe, challenges you – what do you know?  Mr Dorsey has taught the lesson below and claims everything is true – but we believe only 50% of Mr Dorsey’s ‘facts’ are actually truths and the other 50% is false.  Can you spot what is true and what is false?  Can Mr Dorsey be trusted?  Is 100% of what he teaches correct?  Maybe not in this universe – is he instead really out of this world?

A bursting balloon actually creates a small sonic boom.
The biggest selling balloon colour is red.
Balloons are made from latex which is collected from the rubber tree.
The most modelling balloons blown up in one hour is 370
Early balloons were actually made from pig bladders
Helium is actually an environmentally friendly gas, it is non-flammable, non-toxic and non-radioactive.
Mass release balloons rise to only 1,000 feet where they burst and fall to earth.
Balloons were invented in 1899
The fastest made poodle from a modelling balloon only took 3.3 seconds to make
Latex although a natural substance isn’t biodegradable


Octavia Vermont’s house

Vermont's houseThe Vermont family live in a beautiful and large house surrounded by acres of its own immaculately kept grounds and gardens. 

The bees are always buzzing and the flowers are always smelling beautiful here. It is a veritable Garden of Eden.

There is also oMore than gardeningften the sound of cannons and explosions because the large gardens are where Commander Vermont carries out his (almost daily) military maneuvers with the soldiers who obey his every command — even if the orders seem bizarre.

Octavia Vermont likes to sit in the garden and read or play music and amid the minefields and mortar ranges can sometimes be heard Octavia’s virtuoso cello or piano music.

Giles Gordon’s House

House living roomGiles Gordon lives with his mother, Dorothy, and Grandpa Gordon in a nice standard suburban household. The Gordons have only recently moved into Sunset Cove but brought all their personal belongings with them and the new house quickly became a home.

The family usually gathers in the communal living room, which becomes the focus of family activity such as talking, breakfast and other mealtimes, or watching television. Grandpa Gordon has almost become a permanent fixture in this room and spends most of his time in front of the television.