The head boy at Atlantis High, Josh is a rival to Giles for the affections of Octavia. Square-jawed, clean-cut, handsome, a brilliant surfer – and a rebel with a cause. Very popular with the girls at the school, Josh knows it and is unable himself to pass a mirror or reflection without pausing in admiration. By night he is a superhero crimefighter with pink clothes and flowing cape known as the Silver Lining. Or is he…?One thing is certain – Josh is attracted to Octavia Vermont and will do all he can to make her his, and this leads to competition with Giles Gordon. Lee Donaghue Lee is 16 years old and has already appeared in the Tribe Series 2 as “bad boy” Spike. Lee has also appeared in a number of television commercials and in the tv series Fall Out. Atlantis High is Lee’s first core cast role. |