Only the only people that turned up were people who wanted some extra attention, not people who needed help with their Attention Seeking ways.

Top Places to find Attention Seekers

1. In the library – I mean, who would like go there for fun?

2. Sitting at the bus stop – would you sit in a bus stop if you weren’t after attention?

3. Walking the dog – like, dogs are meant to go under your arm or in your handbag!

4. Walking – why walk when you can like, glide on your 3 inch stiletto heels?

5. At the hairdressers – like, your hairdresser should come to you.

6. In the supermarket – if you have to buy your own food you are so not cool.

7. At school – there are like more Attention Seekers per capita at school than in the entire town of Sunset Heights.

8. In the canteen – eating school food? Like lame-o. Bringing gourmet sushi? Like awesome.

9. At the beach – those lily-white nerdballs make me barf. Get back inside geeks!

10. At the traffic lights – I mean, really, who hangs out at traffic lights? What are they there for? Attention Seekers.

There were little old ladies who wanted cuddles and dogs that wanted walking, kids who needed babysitting and one old timer (who was so totally wrinkly it made me pukey) who wanted to adopt a snail because he didn’t get enough attention from his family.

Anyway, between you and me and the door, I kinda get a kick out of Attention Seekers in a secrety kinda way. It’s actually awesome to watch them watch me and try to figure out how to become so totally cool and hip. And then watch them do stupid things like wear little pink skirts and try to get their hair to look like mine.

But if you can’t stand Attention Seekers and there are like too many to handle, I think that the secret to dealing with them is this … do not like give them any attention or you’ll totally just encourage them.

But then again sometimes you just can’t help yourself!

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When I was six years old my mother told the lady in the shop that I was an Attention Seeker. That was so totally lame-o. I don’t need to seek attention, it comes to me naturally – but I do know how to spot an attention seeker”




Like, Attention Seekers are Grade A donuts. Totally choc dipped. With sprinkles. They are so lame-o it’s not funny and my teeth hurt when I look at them.

In Sunset Cove there are a lot of different people around. Like, some like to wear women’s clothes (when they are so not a woman) and some like to eat potato chips, which is so, like Yuk.

Top Ten Tips on Attention Seeker Spotting

1. Look out for the kid who talks to rabbits
2. Fake tan is like a totally total giveaway
3. Brown hair is like so totally gross on chick
4. Glasses mean that the kid is a nerd and all nerds are attention seekers
5. Guys that fall off their skateboards are lame-o and attention seekers
6. Chicks with hairy pits are so totally wrong but they are attention seeking – why else would they forget to shave – like, yukola
7. Guys that wear pink fluffy G-strings – but that’s kinda cute too
8. Old women who try to look young by wearing lots of lipstick and fake eyelashes – look at Violet – puhleease!
9. Twinsets and pearls – are you like serious?!
10. Kids with big ears should like stay on the moon

But everything is accepted here because we’re all so totally like, nice. Nobody minds who wears what or if you take your dolphin into the Princess Diner or whatever. Whatever!

But one thing that we all hate (well, I do anyway) and that’s Attention Seekers.

There are some weird geeky kids that think they can be in the ‘in crowd’ if they like act like they’re cool or something, which they’re so totally never gonna be. As if.

This one geeky nerdball, he likes to steal pink fluffy G-strings. Like that’s gonna make him numero uno. Not.

Attention Seekers have a real problem and there was a club set up like alcoholics anonymonimous or something but it was for Attention Seekers.

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Loren Horsley plays Sabrina Georgia in Atlantis High Page 2

Loren Horsley plays Sabrina Georgia in Atlantis High

What are your characters strengths and weaknesses? Weaknesses – Silver Linings lips, money and the colour pink. Strengths – Her hair and breast size.

Are you like your character in real life – if so, then in what ways? I like to wear tight pants – and that’s it.

What do you do between scenes?
Pace. Sleep. Make fun of Mikey. Play soccer until makeup catches you and yells for sweating off your makeup.

Favourite phrase, quote or motto?
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Einstein?

Favourite book of all time?
Complete works of Oscar Wilde and Pale Fire by V. Nabokov

Favourite actor/actress?
Cate Blanchett, and Peter Sellers

Loren Horsley plays Sabrina Georgia in Atlantis High Page 1

Loren Horsley plays Sabrina Georgia in Atlantis High

27 October 1977
Star Sign? Scorpio


What is your favourite colour? Blood red


What is your favourite film? Zentropa and Festene


What music do you like? Anything from the 40’s and French rap.


Rome because the people are crazy and drive their cars like they’re chariots – lots of tooting and yelling.

What are your hobbies and interests in time off? Painting.


What do you think are the properties of a good actor? Diversity, Intelligence, Confidence and Sensitivity.


How would you describe your character? She’s like the girls I hated in school.


What is your character’s personality? Mean, mean, mean



Laura Wilson plays Jet Marigold in Atlantis High

Laura Wilson plays Jet Marigold in Atlantis High
IT’S ALL ABOUT ACTING DARLING….At what age did you want to start acting? Ever since I was very young. It’s always been a dream


What was your very first tv/movie role? “Shelly” in Choice


When and why did you get an agent? Shortly after I started on The Tribe. Caleb convinced me I needed one so I got one.

What is the favourite character that you’ve ever played? On film – Jet Marigold. On Stage – A news reporter in the German play “The Visit”.
How did you get the part in Atlantis High? From being in The Tribe.


Sabrina Georgia. I love that character!! She’s got so much depth as a character, and wears cool outfits!

Any favourite Atlantis High scene? All the stuff with Josh and the Hell’s Bikers. That crack’s me up!


Any embarassing moments whilst filming Atlantis High? Beanie and I were filming on the beach. We were walking along and I fell over!

What is the best thing about a career in acting? The money…he he. Nah, the fact that I’m doing something that I love doing as a job!


If you weren’t acting, what would you be doing right now? Working in a bar, or in retail – selling clothes and shoes (another passion of mine!)
Are you hoping to continue with your acting career or do you want to direct/produce/become an astronaut? I would love to continue acting, and maybe direct one day. I don’t think i’m organised enough to direct though. If acting does work out, I’ll do natural healing. I have a degree in aromatherapy and natural healing so that should be sweet!