DR LEGGS’ report on PSYCHO SEXY SOPHIE (Lucy Gamble)

DR LEGGS’ report on PSYCHO SEXY SOPHIE (Lucy Gamble) 

Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove.Many intesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is Sunset Cove’s super man-eating vixen – Psycho Sophie!!

Name:Psycho Sexy Sophie
Age: Sweet 16 and been kissed by nearly every guy

Irresistable vamp/vixen of Sunset Cove

Appearance:Scantily clad and dressed to kill, Sophie is accompanied everywhere by her equally scantily clad but not as enticing rabbit, Mr Fluffy-Muffin
Past History:Sophie was once “nice, shy Sophie” – a sweet and cute girl (albeit with poltergeist) beloved by the town. However a freak encounter with aliens changed her into her opposite – an aggressive, determined and not too innocent boy-magnet!
Motives:Sophie is after “the record” – she wants to have gone out with and kissed more guys than anyone else in recorded history, to set her place in record books and become a legen. Any guy within eye conact is liable to fall for her charms. It seems the more guys she goes out with the better she feels about herself as an irresistable temptress.
Influences:Men. Guys. Say no more. Oh – and her cuddly rabbit, Mr. Fluffy Muffin, continues to have much influence over her.
Strengths: Charisma and beauty. Sophie in her new incarnation oozes appeal and can persuade or influence 99% of the male population. She also has powerful psychic powers.
Weaknesses: Charisma and beauty. It may attract guys but most girls are jealous of her and Sophie can’t manipulate girls with her charms (the way she does guys). Her psychic power are also a source for much suspicion and anxiety in others.
Catchphrases: (to guys) “Hey you! Come over here” or “Miiiaaaaoooowwwwwww”
Secrets:Obviously deep within the alien-influenced vixen personality lurks the real sweet-natured shy and kind Sophie. Will the real Sophie return after a while?

Some say that Sophie is going through the phonebook meeting guys in alphabetical order in her effort to become a legend and the most famous “sex symbol” or seductress of then all. She is up to the letter “P” so far. Rumour has it that after the phonebook, she’ll run alphabetically through a whole encyclopedia – and then a dictionary….




DR LEGGS’ report on COACH SHANE (Richard Lambeth)

DR LEGGS’ report on COACH SHANE (Richard Lambeth)

Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove. Many interesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is the tanned and toned Coach Shane.

Name:Coach Shane (without the Coach there is no Shane).
Age: Twenty something in body but oh so much younger in mind.

The physical education teacher with the tan and the cha cha cha.

Appearance:Never without a sexy little pair of spandex shorts, a whistle round the neck and a pair of sparkling white trainers. Oh, and a football under his arm.
Past History:Nobody seems to know the history of Coach Shane. He has been working at the school for quite some time and loves living in Sunset Cove. It seems as if Coach Shane would have been a mummy’s boy and it is quite possible that he actually lives with his mother even now as it is doubtful that he would be able to cope on his own.
Motives:The Coach wants everyone to be as into sport as he is. He wannts everybody to be as tanned as he is. And he wants spandex to make a comeback. He is fascinated with dance moves and tries to incorporate it as much as he can in to his everyday life.
Influences:The Coach is influenced by the sun’s movement across the sky and by the amount of glitter on his shorts. He loves the gym and the beach. But most of all he is influenced by his mirror.
Strengths: This tanned adonis is a fantastic dancer once he gets his groove thang going. He is also the best at tanning in the whole of Sunset Cove and at knowing how to position himself in the sun to maximise the rays. The Coach is great at polishing his mirror so that he can see himself to best advantage and he’s pretty good at keeping his hair swept back. He also has a knack for buying the teeniest weeniest shorts available to man.
Weaknesses: The weaknesses are actually a mirror image of the strenghts in this case. Coach Shane has a definite weakness for shopping, looking in the mirror, checking that his hair is looking good and following the rays of sun. Coach Shane also has a weakness for the milkshakes they make at the Princess Diner and if he doesn’t watch out, he might develop a weight problem.
Catchphrases: “Here’s your motivation” – “Stick with the game plan” – “Touchdown” – “Moby Who?” and (to himself) “Hey gorgeous”.
Secrets:.This is one person who has no secrets. He’s like an open book. He is in love with himself and he is more than happy for everyone to know it. No, I’ve got nothing on this guy.

Rumour has it that the Coach is becoming an expert Latin dancer and might just be looking at a career in the Ballroom. It is also rumoured that the Coach is likely to develop a fascination for leg warmers and he has been spotted eyeing up a vivid orange glittery pair at the local mall.




DR LEGGS’ report on COMMANDER VERMONT (Ray Henwood)

DR LEGGS’ report on COMMANDER VERMONT (Ray Henwood).

Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove. Many interesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is the most eccentric military person you’ll ever see – Commander Vermont

Name:Commander Vermont (His first name not known although Mrs Vermont calls him “Sweetie”).
Age: Probably around 60

Wife to Mrs Vermont and Father of Octavia – he is a military man.

Appearance:Nearly always dressed in fatigues or a smart formal military uniform. Vermont is always working with his troops.
Past History:His history is a mystery as Octavia discovers. All anyone knows of him is that he was a high ranking military man. Mrs Vermont thinks that Octavia “…can’t handle the truth” about the secrets within the family surrounding Commander Vermont but it might all come out soon…
Motives:Vermont is on the look out for aliens. The slightest movement or hint that there is one around and he is off! With his loyal troops at his side Vermont is determined to track them down for the good of his country.
Influences:Octavia means a lot to Commander Vermont and he would do anything for her. He will always help her whenever he can. He doesnt’ have too much to do with Mrs Vermont. She is happy spending his money on tv gimicks.
Strengths: Commander Vermont is a leader and this obviously took him to the top of the military. He can round up his troops and deliver orders at a moment’s notice. He knows all sorts of tracking and armed manoeuvers.
Weaknesses: Commander Vermont just can’t forget the military and retire. The military will always be a part of his life and he knows no different. When the good of his country is at stake, Commander Vermont is ready to give up his life.
Catchphrases: “Right men! We’re moving out!”
Secrets:Commander Vermont’s life is a total secret. Nothing is known about him, when did he join the military? What did he do before that? And who is he really working for?

Rumour is that Commander Vermont is not who he says he is. He may not perhaps know this himself or he is very good at covering it up. His life before getting married is full of rumours and one of them is that he could be the “Big D”.




DR LEGGS’ report on The Easter Bunny

DR LEGGS’ report on The Easter Bunny

Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove. Many interesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is the star of Easter, The Easter Bunny.

Name:The Easter Bunny
Age: Rabbits don’t have the longest lifespan but this bunny is magic, he regenerates every 7 years or so.

A cute little rabbit and friend of Fluffy Muffin

Appearance:The Easter Bunny is not often seen. But one guesses the Easter Bunny is a white or brown rabbit carrying a basket full of easter eggs and chocolate rabbits. He has a cute little pink nose and big floppy ears.
Past History:The Easter Bunny has for many years now delievered Easter Eggs to children across the world. Easter is the celebration of spring or new life and so the symbol of eggs are used over Easter. Mr Fluffy Muffin is also known to be a good friend of The Easter Bunny and they love to catch up on old times.
Motives:The Easter Bunny just wants to see happy faces and remind everyone that life is special.
Influences:The Easter Bunny has been known to be influenced by Mr Fluffy Muffin. They are great friends and they both rub off on each other now and again. One year there were almost no Easter eggs delivered because Fluffy Muffin cast a spell on his friend Easter Bunny.
Strengths: The Easter Bunny has very strong legs and bounces around the world for hours delievering eggs. Easter Bunny is also known to take part in the Tortoise and Hare marathon every summer and always comes in 1st place.
Weaknesses: Easter Bunny is easily wooed by the female bunnies. They just love him and he can’t resist. There are thousands of young Easter Bunnies around…
Catchphrases: “chocolate or marshmallow?” “Now where did I put my basket?”
Secrets: The Easter Bunny’s biggest secret is where he lives. No one knows, not even Mr Fluffy Muffin.

Rumour has it that the Easter Bunny is wanting to there to be an Easter 2 or 3 times a year! That’s a lot of chocolate eggs and bunnies! Of course I can’t confirm anything…we’ll just have to see.




DR LEGGS’ report on VIOLET PROFUSION (Robyn Malcolm)

DR LEGGS’ report on VIOLET PROFUSION (Robyn Malcolm)

see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is the Atlantis High School Principal – Violet Profusion!!

Name:Ms Violet Profusion
Age: She’d like to think she’s 25 but she’s really more on the verge of 40 or more

Mutton dressed as lamb

Appearance:Always donning a different coloured wig, Violet loves to be different. She loves fashion but it’s certainly her own style. Bright colours and tight outfits.
Past History:Violet just loves the men of Sunset Cove. She’s always looking for her next victim. One of her latest lovers happened to be a plastic surgeon so Violet decided to get the “nose” she’d always wanted – it didn’t turn out the way she expected.
Motives:Violet loves money so everything she does must mean lots of money for her. She gathers sponsors for the school every week and when she realised the money making potential of Sophie (Simply Sophie) she had the show up and running within days.
Influences:Coach Shane. Violet is caught in a love triangle between Coach Shane, Vita and herself. Violet thinks that Coach Shane is just the cream on top – she likes to think that at her age she is still in with a very good chance.
Strengths: Her powers of persuasion and assertiveness. If Violet wants something, she gets it. She’s a bossy, powerful person and nothing stands in her way.
Weaknesses: Her total lack of fashion (she’s too old to be helped now) and her failure to look before she leaps often gets her in the deep end.
Catchphrases: “I’ll see you in my office!” “
Secrets:Violet is actually a “Grandmother” – you wouldn’t think it but her family breeds young and fast. She certainly doesn’t want everyone to know!!

There’s been a rumour going around that Violet has been seeing Mr Nite – I’m not sure whether it’s a business relationship or something else. They’ve been seen down at the beach together frolicking in the surf….