DR LEGGS’ report on PSYCHO SEXY SOPHIE (Lucy Gamble)

DR LEGGS’ report on PSYCHO SEXY SOPHIE (Lucy Gamble) 

Hello, I am Dr Leggs, the resident psychiatrist of Sunset Cove.Many intesting people come to see me about their problems (and you can sometimes see me in Atlantis High!). Each week I’m profiling different Sunset Covers – and this week is Sunset Cove’s super man-eating vixen – Psycho Sophie!!

Name:Psycho Sexy Sophie
Age: Sweet 16 and been kissed by nearly every guy

Irresistable vamp/vixen of Sunset Cove

Appearance:Scantily clad and dressed to kill, Sophie is accompanied everywhere by her equally scantily clad but not as enticing rabbit, Mr Fluffy-Muffin
Past History:Sophie was once “nice, shy Sophie” – a sweet and cute girl (albeit with poltergeist) beloved by the town. However a freak encounter with aliens changed her into her opposite – an aggressive, determined and not too innocent boy-magnet!
Motives:Sophie is after “the record” – she wants to have gone out with and kissed more guys than anyone else in recorded history, to set her place in record books and become a legen. Any guy within eye conact is liable to fall for her charms. It seems the more guys she goes out with the better she feels about herself as an irresistable temptress.
Influences:Men. Guys. Say no more. Oh – and her cuddly rabbit, Mr. Fluffy Muffin, continues to have much influence over her.
Strengths: Charisma and beauty. Sophie in her new incarnation oozes appeal and can persuade or influence 99% of the male population. She also has powerful psychic powers.
Weaknesses: Charisma and beauty. It may attract guys but most girls are jealous of her and Sophie can’t manipulate girls with her charms (the way she does guys). Her psychic power are also a source for much suspicion and anxiety in others.
Catchphrases: (to guys) “Hey you! Come over here” or “Miiiaaaaoooowwwwwww”
Secrets:Obviously deep within the alien-influenced vixen personality lurks the real sweet-natured shy and kind Sophie. Will the real Sophie return after a while?

Some say that Sophie is going through the phonebook meeting guys in alphabetical order in her effort to become a legend and the most famous “sex symbol” or seductress of then all. She is up to the letter “P” so far. Rumour has it that after the phonebook, she’ll run alphabetically through a whole encyclopedia – and then a dictionary….




Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High Page 2

Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

What are your hobbies and interests in time off? I like listening to music, going out with my friends and reading magazines. I like driving with my friends and going to a beach or something.

What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you whilst making’Atlantis High’ ? I yelled “cut” because I’d messed up my lines….”cut” ain’t my job!!


What is the best thing or your favourite moment/event in making ‘Atlantis High’? I loved the times that we were at the beach and the sun was shining and we were all together. I love filming the Prom too.


What is your favourite quote or phrase – is there a quote that sums you up? “Sweet as Baz”


Who are your heroes ro heroines – any actors or actresses you admire, any sports people or celebrities? Kate Winslet ’cause she does some really different movies and Julia Roberts ’cause she’s wicked.


What has been your hardest scene to film? All the ones where I was Sexy Sophie.


What do you do between scenes? I hang out in the camper van, playing silly games.

What do you think are the properties of a good actor? To be willing to concentrate and do some hard work instead of just reading through the lines. An ability to be accepting of other people ’cause you have to spend so much time with them on set.


How long is a typical day in shooting Atlantis High? About 12 hours.


How would you describe Atlantis High? Like nothing you’ve ever seen before!


Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High Page 1

Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

“The Truman Show” I love it, it messes with your mind!
What is your favourite colour? Blue


What music do you like? All sorts. Radiohead, Destiny’s Child and Ben Harper at the moment.


When is your birthday? March 2nd 1983


What star sign are you? Pisces


How would you describe your character? She’s fun and bubbly, vivacious but a bit psycho. Not quite with it!


What is your characters’ personality? I think that she’s just crazy. She’s in her own little world.


What are your character’s strengths and weaknesses? She is a strong character and gets what she wants! She has a weakness for ice cream!


What food do you like – any favourite meals or types of food? Cheese cake and Lasagne


Have you travelled around? What is your favourite place or places? I have travelled to the USA. I’d love to travel to Europe.


Are you like your character in real life – if so, then in what ways? I like sport and helping people.



Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

At what age did you want to start acting? When I was ten – and I did! :o)

What was your very first tv/movie role? In a New Zealand drama series called “True Life Stories”


When and why did you get an agent? Whe I was ten because he was a friend of my Dad’s.


What is your favourite character that you’ve ever played? Alice in Alice in Wonderland – cos she gets to meet so many crazy people!!


How did you get the part in Atlantis High? I auditioned through my agent


Octavia – because she got to wear pretty purple clothes all the time and her hair was the best!


Do you have any favourite Atlantis High scenes? I like the scenes at Octavia’s dress up party.


Were there any embarassing moments whilst filming Atlantis High? When I had to wear the big wedding dress I couldnt’ sit down so the wardrobe assistant had to place a little stool under my skirt! – it was silly.


I always envy the fab clothes that famous actors get to wear to premieres and award shows.


If you weren’t acting, what would you be doing right now? Probably going to University.


Are you hoping to continue with your acting career or do you want to direct/produce/become an astronaut? I am definitely going to finish my university degree so I can persue a career in the communications field but if anymore acting work comes up, I sure wouldnt’ turn it down.


Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

Lucy Gamble plays Sophie May in Atlantis High

What word best describes you? Me

What is your all time favourite line of your character? “I am Little Bo Peep and I have lost my sheep! Cooooeeeeee!”


What aspect of your character would you like to have? Her happiness


If you could play any other role on television, who would it be? I would like to be in an action show so I could do some stunts and scary stuff – like Xena or something.


If you could have one superpower what would it be? The ability to add stuff up in my head – I am so bad at that – or maybe I would be super-healthy so I am never sick – I hate that.


Define the perfect day? Waking up late and eating Cocopops for breakfast in bed. Then shopping.


Which person – living, dead or fictional – do you mose identify with? Mena Suvari – actress.


My singing voice.


What book or movie title best describes your life so far? “Almost Famous” hehe…nah there is none 🙂


If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheese – ‘cos it can be made into cake or melted on toast and really when don’t you feel like something cheesy?


What’s your favourite movie of all time? The Truman Show or The Wizard of Oz

What’s your biggest complaint in life? Why does the gym take all my money even though I never go?

Who are your favourite actors? Mark Whalberg (yum) and Drew Barrymore

Name your greatest achievement. I have been driving for nearly 3 years and I have only had one little accident (well two… but I don’t count that one ’cause I just drove off and left the car I hit)

Name your greatest regret. Giving up my piano lessons when I was little…it was just so boring!

The fun of dressing up and the money – honest!

What do you deplore most about acting? So much downtime… like when we are on set but not filming.

If you weren’t in show business, you would be? Not filling in all these questions because no one would care about my favourite colour.

What’s something in the world you’d like to see outlawed? Dropping rubbish in space because when we do all start living there… it will be crappy already.